Today, I see a lot more 'adult humor' in holiday movies. That's fine. I suppose I like to see an elf getting run over or Santa farting every now and then. I don't know when I will get a chance to watch any adult movies though. My children pretty-much rule the TV schedule right now. I'm not complaining though. I would be happy watching one of their favorite holiday movies like The Polar Express. I like how the boy realizes that it's not important to prove whether or not Santa is real. Instead he finds that the 'believing' is what made him happy all along. So true, so true. ;)
Whatever kind of holiday movie you enjoy, you are sure to find it within the next few weeks. Local channels, cable, on demand, DVD, internet streaming... 'Tis the season. Take a look at this year's Holiday Movie Lineup compiled by Classics to contemporary. All. Day. Long. Go grab some popcorn and a blanket and start your movie marathon!
Plus, check out my store on
to shop for your favorite Holiday Movies.
What are your family's favorite Holiday Movies?
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